Our Policies: Commitment to Safety, Quality, and Sustainability
Fifty5Contract Ltd is an ethical, progressive and proactive organization that aims, throughout its operations, to achieve excellent H&S Standards which have a positive impact on Employees **, and Clients.
It is the policy of Fifty5Contract Ltd to ensure the Health and Safety (H&S) of our Employees, ** and any other persons who may be affected by our work activities, is protected at all times. Compliance with H&S legal requirements is mandatory and Fifty5Contract Ltd will, at all times, provide the required resources to achieve compliance, however, our Corporate objective is to achieve standards significantly higher than legal minimums in all our activities and year-on-year continuous improvement.
To ensure achievement of our Statement of Intent and subordinate H&S Management System Fifty5Contract Ltd will:
Provide adequate resources to;
ensure all Employees, Contractors, Suppliers and other relevant Stakeholders are aware of our H&S policy and arrangements
ensure the policy and arrangements can be fully implemented at all times.
Ensure active open communication and consultation on H&S matters with our Employees, Contractors, Suppliers and other Stakeholders.
Integrate H&S into all appropriate communications
Integrate roles and responsibilities for H&S into Employee job descriptions
Ensure H&S risks are assessed, controlled and monitored. Managers will make regular inspections of work activities to review H&S standards.
Ensure Employees are actively involved on matters that affect their H&S.
Ensure all Employee managers demonstrate leadership in H&S in accordance with the principals of the IOD/HSE guide INDG417.
Empower Employees, Contractors, Suppliers and all other Stakeholders to raise any H&S concerns.
Inform Employees, Contractors, Suppliers and all other Stakeholders of relevant H&S hazards, risks and control measures relevant to Fifty5Contract Ltd undertakings and ensure Contractors, Suppliers and other stakeholders equivalently share relevant H&S hazard, risk and control measure information for activities that may impact on our undertakings.
Assess the risks associated with H&S hazards in our workplaces. We will take action to eliminate risks whenever reasonably practicable and for remaining risks we will seek to reduce and control risk as far as reasonably practicable. We will inform all relevant stakeholders of residual risks.
Deliver engaging, targeted instruction, training and personal development programmes that develop the required knowledge, skills and competencies to enable persons to deliver against their accountabilities and responsibilities specified within the H&S policy and arrangements.
Ensure the H&S competence of our Contractors and other stakeholders.
Report and investigate accidents, incidents and near misses to drive improvement in our H&S management systems and prevent reoccurrences.
Monitor H&S performance of all our operations through a system of audits, KPI’s and reviews
Actively and openly report on H&S performance against publicised objectives and targets
Implement a H&S management system which complies fully with H&S legislation and is reviewed and updated progressively to an ISO45001 compliant system by 2028.
Engage and collaborate with Contractors and Suppliers to;
Ensure they achieve our H&S capability and competence criteria and fully understand our H&S expectations and policy
Ensure they identify, eliminate, reduce and control H&S risks that may impact on our undertakings and inform us of all residual risks.
Monitor and review their H&S performance
Encourage, develop, review and share H&S good practice both within Fifty5Contract Ltd and externally with our supply base.
Only work with clients and partners who are willing to meet and achieve our H&S expectations.
Assess our occupational health risks, inform our people about relevant matters and take action to prevent, reduce, or control, occupational health risks to an acceptable level. Provide appropriate occupational health services for our employees.
Expectations of Employees ** , Visitors, Contractors and Suppliers
Fifty5Contract Ltd expects all Employees **, Visitors, Contractors and Suppliers to co-operate with Fifty5Contract Ltd on H&S matters and take care of their own H&S and that of others who may be affected by their actions. All persons shall;
Not undertake any actions which constitute a danger to themselves or others;
Not intentionally or recklessly interfere with, or misuse, anything provided in the interests of safety;
Cooperate with Fifty5Contract Ltd and comply with all relevant H&S policies and arrangements;
Read and comply with the requirements of all H&S documentation appropriate to the work undertaken and wear all specified PPE.
Bring to the immediate attention of the Fifty5Contract Ltd Project Manager/Site Manager or Managing Director, any situations or practices on Fifty5Contract Ltd undertakings that may lead to injuries or damage to persons, plant or equipment;
Use all materials and equipment in a safe and responsible way;
Maintain good housekeeping in areas in which you are working;
Report all near misses, incidents, and accidents;
Undertake all H&S training as is relevant to your work activities;
Demonstrate a high standard of personal H&S at all times;
Be involved in decisions that will affect your H&S and promote best practice.
The Managing Director of Fifty5Contract Ltd makes this statement on behalf of Fifty5Contract Ltd as the Employer, and takes primary responsibility for establishing and maintaining the H&S policy and arrangements and ensuring H&S targets and objectives are achieved.
To support Fifty5Contract Ltd in developing, implementing and maintaining the H&S policy, Fifty5Contract Ltd have appointed Icon Health & Safety Ltd as its competent advisor on H&S matters.
This statement of general policy on H&S at Work shall apply to Fifty5Contract Ltd in the UK.
This policy has immediate effect and will be reviewed and amended as necessary.
Fifty5Contract Ltd will at all times acknowledge and comply with our responsibilities to and for the environment.
Fifty5Contract Ltd accept and are committed to ensuring compliance with the requirements of The Environmental Protection Act and associated regulations. The company strives to pursue best environmental practices whenever and wherever practicable.
Fifty5Contract Ltd is therefore committed to:
Ensuring that adequate human and financial resources are made available within operating units to implement and maintain the Policy.
Including environmental considerations in our business planning and decision making.
Complying with all applicable regulations and statutory requirements as appropriate
Training key employees in environmental matters appropriate for their role.
Conserving resources by the efficient consumption of materials, energy and fuel by influencing design and specification wherever possible by utilising techniques that incorporate best practice not entailing excessive costs.
Encouraging all suppliers and sub-contractors to develop or share environmental policies in line with our company Policy.
Implementing a waste minimisation programme and encourage recycling where possible.
Continuously monitoring and improving the company’s environmental performance by the use of management procedures.
The Policy will be reviewed and developed periodically to ensure it remains effective and any necessary amendments will be communicated to all employees.
Fifty5 Contracts recognise the right of all our employees to membership of a trade union.
No job applicant or employee will be discriminated against or disadvantaged on the grounds of membership of a trade union.
Fifty5Contracts recognise that trade unions can be a useful source of information for health and safety matters, human resources, the construction industry, commercial and business development, best practice and benchmarking.
In the absence of legal trade union recognition, pay and working conditions will be negotiated on an employee by employee basis.
The Equality Act 2010 recognises the following types of discrimination & thus the Fifty5Contrats equality policy covers all types.
The aim of the Equality Policy is to stop all forms of discriminatory behaviour in line with the Equality Act 2010 and to promote a working environment where success is based on capability, performance, experience and skills.
Fifty5Contracts are committed to ensuring the talent and skills of all individuals in its workforce are maximised and achieves this through policies, procedures and management practices that are consistently and equitably applied.
The Equality Policy intends to prevent all forms of unfair behaviour, whether or not such behaviour is lawful.
Fifty5Contracts are committed to ensuring that all individuals are treated fairly and are valued irrespective of disability, race, gender, gender reassignment, marital or civil partnership status, age, sexual preference, nationality, religion, political beliefs or health status. These characteristics are referred to as ‘protected characteristics’.
Fifty5Contracts will not tolerate discriminatory behaviour.
Fifty5Contracts will equally ensure it does not discriminate against its clients. Fifty5Contracts expects all employees to treat all clients and potential clients with respect and dignity and will not tolerate any form of discrimination.
Fifty5Contracts will;
ensure that recruitment and employment practices are non- discriminatory.
Make reasonable adjustments in the workplace to facilitate the employment of a diverse workforce.
Ensure that any complaint of discrimination is investigated fully and in a timely manner and that remedial action is taken where necessary.
Ensure that the workforce is fully aware of the Fifty5Contracts zero- tolerance policy relating to discrimination.
Take immediate action to stop inappropriate behaviour.
Ensure all employees and people associated with Fifty5Contracts are treated in a non-discriminatory way.
Challenge any behaviour that could be interpreted as discriminatory
Understand what is expected of them in terms of performance, the standards they seek to achieve, behaviour and conduct towards others.
Listen to and respect others.
Stop or report discriminatory speculations and rumours as soon as they become aware of them.
Fifty5Contracts will monitor and regularly review this policy to ensure its objectives are met and that potential barriers to equal opportunities are identified to prevent discrimination. Any employees that are found to be in breach of this policy will be subject to disciplinary procedures.
Fifty5Contracts encourage any employee who finds him or herself the victim of discrimination to have the confidence to bring the matter to the attention of their Line Manager. Fifty5Contracts is committed to ensuring discrimination does not happen in the workplace and will do everything in its power to ensure that complaints of this kind are investigated quickly and sensitively to ensure such behaviour is neither accepted nor condoned and proper steps are taken to prevent further occurrences.
We are committed to ensuring that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in our supply chains or in any part of our business. Our Anti-slavery Policy reflects our commitment to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business relationships and to implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to ensure slavery and human trafficking is not taking place anywhere in our supply chains.
This policy applies to all Fifty5Contracts staff (permanent, temporary or on contract) engaged to work within or on behalf of the Company. The code of conduct sets out the principles and values expectations and standards for how Fifty5Contracts and its employees are to behave:
Employees must not offer or make any bribe, unorthodox or unauthorised payment or inducement of any kind to anyone
Employees must not solicit business by offering any bribe, unorthodox or unofficial personal payment to customers or potential customers
Employees must not accept any kind of bribe, unorthodox or unusual payment or inducement that would not be authorised by Fifty5Contracts in the ordinary course of business
Employees must clearly refuse any bribe or unorthodox payment and must do so in a manner that can lead to no misunderstanding or false expectation; and to report any such offers to line management and to Line Management immediately
Employees must report any breaches of this policy or of any applicable law even if by doing so they have to disclose their own wrongdoing. Such reports must be passed to Line Management
Fifty5Contracts requires managers to maintain a working environment where staff can make reports of breaches of this policy in confidence and without fear of reprisals
Fifty5Contracts expects its business partners, suppliers and contractors to act with integrity and without thought or actions involving bribery and corruption and will, where appropriate, include clauses to this effect in contracts offered to any such third parties
Fifty5Contracts will actively investigate all reported allegations of fraud corruption or abuse of position for personal gain involving the Company and its staff, wherever they might occur
Fifty5Contracts undertakes that, except for knowingly reporting false accusations, every employee may report allegations without fear of retaliation
Fifty5Contracts and its staff will not make direct or indirect contributions to political parties, organisations or individuals engaged in politics, as a way of obtaining advantage in business transactions. Fifty5Contracts will publicly disclose all its political contributions
Fifty5Contracts will ensure that charitable contributions and sponsorships are not used as a subterfuge for bribery. Fifty5Contracts will publicly disclose all its charitable contributions and sponsorships
Compliance with this code is mandatory for all employees and Directors
Fifty5Contracts will apply appropriate sanctions for violations of this Code and the policy
Fifty5Contracts conducts due diligence before entering into a joint venture.
Fifty5Contracts will not channel improper payments through agents or other intermediaries
Fifty5Contracts undertakes properly documented due diligence before appointing agents and other intermediaries. All agreements with agents and intermediaries require the prior approval of senior management
Compensation paid to agents and other intermediaries must be appropriate and justifiable remuneration for legitimate services rendered
Agents and other intermediaries must contractually agree to comply with this policy and are provided with appropriate advice and documentation explaining this obligation
Fifty5Contracts contractually requires its agents and other intermediaries to keep proper books and records available for inspection by the Company, auditors or investigating authorities
Fifty5Contracts monitors the conduct of its agents and other intermediaries and has a right of termination in the event that they pay bribes or act in a manner inconsistent with this policy
With regards to contractors and suppliers, Fifty5Contracts conducts its procurement practices in a fair and transparent manner.
Fifty5Contracts avoids dealing with contractors and suppliers known or reasonably suspected to be paying bribes. The Company undertakes due diligence, as appropriate, in evaluating prospective contractors and suppliers to ensure that they have effective anti-bribery policies
Fifty5Contracts makes this policy known to contractors and suppliers and requires their acceptance and adherence to this policy
Fifty5Contracts monitors significant contractors and suppliers as part of its regular review of relationships with them and has a right of termination in the event that they pay bribes or act in a manner inconsistent with this policy
Fifty5Contracts makes it clear that no employee will suffer demotion, penalty, or other adverse consequences for refusing to pay bribes, even if such refusal may result in the Company losing business.
Fifty5Contracts has established and maintains an effective system of internal controls to counter bribery, comprising financial and organisational checks and balances over the Company’s accounting and record keeping practices and other business processes related to this policy.
The Fifty5Contracts Managing Director will regularly monitor compliance with this policy and review its suitability, adequacy and effectiveness. Where deficiencies are identified improvements will be implemented as appropriate.
Fifty5Contracts believe and formally acknowledge that we have a responsibility to conduct our operations in a sustainable way to ensure the long term viability of our business, the continued use of steel in construction and to protect our working and living environment.
Our key areas of sustainable responsibility are:
Environmental - Our environmental responsibility is to minimise any negative impact our business has on the environment by means of effective waste management, efficient design methodology and continuous development of our products, suppliers and manufacturing processes.
Economic - An economic responsibility to ensure our business grows in a controlled and profitable manner. Integral to this responsibility is our commitment to the implementation and maintenance of our own sustainability policy and encouragement to our supply chain network to implement their own sustainability policy.
Social- Our social responsibilities are to ensure sufficient resources are available to protect our employees in their place of work and provide support and assistance to our local community and minimise the impact of our business on our neighbours.
It is the policy of the Company to do all that is reasonably practicable to reduce or prevent adverse reactions, on the environment, attributable to the running of our business by taking the following actions:
re-cycling of site waste generated from flooring works,
re-cycling of all office generated waste paper, under contract with registered re-cycling contractor,
disposition of all waste / scrap, under the ‘Duty of Care’ Regulations, in compliance with Environmental Protection Act and the Hazardous Waste Regulations,
maximising the efficient use of available power and fuel supplies, and
keeping up to date with Statutory Legislation / Regulations and initiating any changes deemed necessary.
Fifty5Contracts will review this Policy Statement on a regular basis.
Fifty5Contracts seek to achieve continual improvement in matters of environmental and sustainability performance.
Fifty5Contracts encourage any employee or sub-contractor to decline to carry out any working activity, if they feel it is not safe to do so.
Fifty5Contracts shall ensure that no employee or sub-contractor shall be penalised for highlighting safety concerns, or refusing to work on the grounds of health and safety.
Regular consultation will be held between the Managing Director and employees to resolve any problems which may arise.
Information will be provided to employees on subjects relevant to any consultation that they will be involved with such as the planning of health and safety training; and risk and hazards involved during the course of their work. To resolve problems both parties, if necessary, will jointly seek expert impartial advice.
Employees who feel that problems are not being satisfactorily resolved by line management should highlight such concerns to the Managing Director directly, however this does not affect employees’ rights to contact the Health and Safety Executive or the Companies Health & Safety Consultant independently.
Consultation will be undertaken if a decision is to be made involving work equipment, processes or organisation that could affect the health and safety of employees.
Information will be provided and a chance will be given to the employees to express their views on the subject. These will all be taken into account before a decision is reached.
If any Fifty5Contracts employee or sub-contractor has any concern with regard their health and safety, or that of others, they should inform their manager/supervisor immediately (or as soon as it is safe to do, dependent upon the circumstances) and if he or she is not available, then they must report to the Managing Director.
Fifty5Contracts is committed to the highest standards of openness, integrity and accountability. An important aspect of accountability and transparency is a mechanism to enable employees to voice concerns in a responsible and effective manner.
It is a fundamental term of every contract of employment that employees will act in good faith and fidelity towards their employer and not disclose confidential information about the employer’s affairs. Nevertheless, where an individual discovers information which they believe shows serious malpractice or wrongdoing within the organisation then this information should be disclosed internally without fear of reprisal.
The Public Interest Disclosure Act 1999, gives legal protection to employees against being dismissed or penalised by their employers as a result of publicly disclosing certain serious concerns.
This policy is intended to assist individuals who believe they have discovered malpractice or impropriety. It is not designed to question financial or business decisions taken by Fifty5Contracts nor should it be used to reconsider any matters which have already been addressed under harassment, complaint, disciplinary or other procedures.
Concerns may be raised that are in the public interest. These could include;
Financial malpractice or impropriety or fraud
Failure to comply with a legal obligation or statutes
Dangers to Health & Safety or the environment
Criminal activity
Improper conduct or unethical behaviour
Attempts to conceal any of these.
This policy is designed to protect Fifty5Contracts employees who disclose such concerns provided the disclosure is made:
In good faith
In the reasonable belief of the individual making the disclosure that it tends to show malpractice or impropriety and if they make the disclosure to the appropriate person.
If malicious allegations are made these could give rise to legal action on the part of the persons complained about.
Fifty5Contracts will treat all whistleblowing disclosures in a confidential and sensitive manner. The identity of the individual making the allegation may be kept confidential so long as it does not hinder any investigation. However, the investigation process may reveal the source of the information and the individual making the disclosure may need to provide a statement as part of the evidence required.
Individuals are encouraged to put their name to any disclosures they make. Concerns expressed anonymously are much less credible but they will still be considered by Fifty5Contracts.
If an individual makes an allegation in good faith, which is not confirmed by subsequent investigation, no action will be taken against that individual. In making a disclosure the individual should exercise due care to ensure the accuracy of the information. If, however, an individual makes malicious or vexatious allegations, and particularly if he or she persists with making them, disciplinary action may be taken against that individual.
Complaints of malpractice will be investigated by the Managing Director.
If evidence of criminal activity is uncovered during the investigation then the Managing Director will notify the police.
On receipt of a complaint, the Managing Director will send a written acknowledgement to the complainant and thereafter report back to them in writing the outcome of the investigation and the action that is proposed. If the investigation is a prolonged one, the complainant will be kept informed, in writing, as to the progress of the investigation and as to when it is likely to be concluded.
If the investigation finds the allegations unsubstantiated and all internal procedures have been exhausted, but the complainant is not satisfied with the outcome of the investigation, Fifty5Contracts recognises the lawful rights of employees and ex-employees to make disclosures to prescribed persons (such as the Health and Safety Executive, the Audit Commission) or, where justified, elsewhere.
Fifty5Contracts seek to develop and maintain long term Client relationships, through meeting Client and statutory requirements and continually improving the services Fifty5Contracts provide.
Fifty5Contracts aim to;
Meet Quality requirements
Fully understand project requirements.
Thoroughly brief and communicate these requirements.
Meet service quality standards / specifications.
Provide excellent Service
Be pro-active
Do things right, first time, every time.
Keep stakeholders informed of any problems.
Be polite and courteous at all times.
Be flexible to meet Clients changing requirements.
Continually review our performance and implement actions to improve.
Ensure timely Delivery
Meet agreed deadlines.
Support our Clients to meet their goals when they are struggling to do so themselves.
All employees are trained to understand the Companies policy as part of the induction process. The Policy and objectives are monitored and reviewed regularly to ensure compliance and continuous improvement.
Fifty5Contracts appreciate the importance of ethical behaviour. Our first business principle deals with ‘integrity in corporate conduct’ which commits us to implement anti-corruption policies and procedures. Our second business principle ‘ensuring openness and transparency’ commits us never to engage in bribery, any form of unethical inducement or payment including facilitation payments and ‘kickbacks’. This policy is part of those commitments.
The UK Bribery Act 2010 creates offences and penalties for bribery and corruption. The UK Bribery Act 2010 creates a corporate offence of failure to prevent bribery, and requires Fifty5Contracts to implement ’adequate procedures’ to prevent bribery. This policy sets out the responsibilities of Fifty5Contracts employees in preventing bribery and corruption and how we will implement ’adequate procedures’ to do so.
For the purposes of this policy, bribery occurs when one person offers, pays, seeks or accepts a payment, gift, favour, or a financial or other advantage from another to influence a business outcome improperly, or to induce or reward improper conduct. Bribery and corruption – whether involving government officials, or commercial entities, including joint ventures – can be direct or indirect through third parties like agents, brokers and joint venture partners. It includes facilitation payments even though in some countries facilitation payments are legal.
Under the UK Bribery Act 2010, Fifty5Contracts is required to put procedures in place to prevent bribery by any individual or organisation that performs services for or on behalf of Fifty5Contracts. Consequently, this policy applies to every Fifty5Contracts employee, director and officer.
Contractors, consultants or suppliers who are Fifty5Contracts agents or who are working on our behalf or in Fifty5Contracts name, through outsourcing of services, processes or any business activity, will be required to act consistently with this policy when acting on our behalf. Independent contractors, consultants or suppliers will be made aware of this policy as it applies to our people in their dealings with them. Our responsible procurement and supplier management policy will also continue to apply to suppliers.
Managing Director:- Legally responsible for ensuring fraud and corruption are prevented, detected and investigated. Combating fraud and corruption (including) bribery requires an understanding of how and why it happens, the ways in which it can be minimised and how to professionally investigate.
All Employees, Directors and suppliers acting on behalf of Fifty5Contracts:-
Individually responsible for conforming to the rules and regulations contained in Fifty5Contracts Anti Bribery and Corruption Policies & Procedures.
Any offers of gifts or hospitality, which are in any way related to their duties, must be discussed by the member of staff with their line manager.
All staff, contractors, directors and suppliers acting as agents on behalf of Fifty5Contracts must declare any possible conflicts of interest which they may have in contracts.
When a member of staff suspects that there has been fraud, corruption or bribery, they must report the matter to the Managing Director.
Giving Gifts, Gratuities and Hospitality
Fifty5Contracts will never provide gifts or hospitality with the intention of influencing anyone to act improperly or of influencing a public official in the performance of his duties.
Our policy does not prohibit giving promotional or personal gifts of low value or extending appropriate hospitality, provided that such gifts and hospitality are given to indicate regard for the individual in question and for the business relationship rather than to induce them to act improperly.
As a very general guide, gifts to individuals should not normally have a value in excess of £50. Hospitality should involve sharing (as opposed to gifting or providing) good quality food and drink but should not be lavish or extravagant in the local context.
NOTE:- Not under any circumstance is it acceptable for any persons working for/on behalf of Fifty5Contracts including affiliates to give or receive money as a gift.
Requirements of all Employees, Directors and contractors
Fifty5Contracts does not tolerate any form of bribery or corruption. You must not offer, pay, make, seek or accept a personal payment, gift or favour in return for favourable treatment or to gain any business advantage. You must follow the anti-bribery and corruption laws to which you and Fifty5Contracts are subject, remembering that UK apply wherever you are operating.
You are liable to disciplinary action, dismissal, legal proceedings and possibly imprisonment if you are involved in bribery and corruption.
You must ensure people who work for and with you understand bribery and corruption is unacceptable.
You must comply with Fifty5Contracts procedures for the prevention of bribery and corruption.
Fifty5Contracts shall regularly and systematically seek to identify any bribery and corruption risks in its business and implement adequate risk-based procedures aimed at preventing bribery and corruption occurring including:
Communication – We will communicate this policy and relevant guidance to employees through our established internal communication channels. We will also communicate this policy to our suppliers, contractors and business partners and wider stakeholders.
Training – We will ensure that those within the scope of the policy receive training appropriate to their activities and the associated risks.
Books and records – We will maintain adequate books and records which properly and fairly document all financial transactions. We will maintain written evidence to record compliance with this policy.
Audit – Our internal control systems will be subject to regular internal and independent audit to provide assurance that they are effective in countering bribery and corruption.
Mergers and acquisitions – Through due diligence we will prevent the acquisition of bribery and corruption related liabilities.
Business relationships – We will ensure that our business partners –including contractors, suppliers, agents, brokers etc - are fit to do business with.
Supply chain – We will address bribery and corruption risk in our supply chain including by ensuring that payments made for goods and services are reasonable.
Conflicts of interest – Gifts and hospitality – We will address conflicts of interest and the risks created by gifts and hospitality through the implementation of our internal policies.
Government officials – We will implement procedures applicable to our (or our agents’, or those suppliers in our supply chains’) dealings with government officials, political parties and related persons or organisations.
Review & Monitoring - The Policy will be reviewed and updated regularly to ensure it remains effective and any necessary amendments will be communicated to all employees.
The Company will adhere to latest Government guidance regarding Coronavirus.
Fifty5 Contracts will ensure Covid19 is considered, where applicable, in risk assessments, method statements and Construction Phase plans prepared by the company or its sub-contactors.
Commitment to Safety, Quality and Sustainability.
The CHAS Advanced Accreditation is a top-level certification from the Contractors Health and Safety Assessment Scheme (CHAS). It verifies our compliance with health and safety, environmental management, quality control, and anti-bribery policies.
The SafeContractor Accreditation, awarded by Alcumus, demonstrates a company’s compliance with high standards in health, safety, and risk management. This rigorous certification involves an audit of safety practices, risk assessments, and training programs, ensuring adherence to UK regulations. It enhances credibility, gives contractors a competitive edge in securing work, and reassures clients of a safe working environment.
SSIP Accreditation is a UK-based health and safety certification framework that simplifies assessments for contractors and suppliers. It provides mutual recognition among various schemes like CHAS and SafeContractor, allowing businesses to meet health and safety standards without duplicating assessments.